Ex Town helps you trade with more ease and at the same time more efficiently. We give you the ability to monitor all of your exchanges accounts and to execute all your trades in one place. We won't charge any extra fees, you only pay for exchange fees. We let traders set many kinds of orders such as stop-loss and take-profit orders to trade more conveniently and minimize the risk of trading. Our strong infrastructure lets traders place orders on different exchanges at the same time.
Ex Town provides traders with trailing stop-loss. This feature helps traders maximize their profit in trades.
Traders can also place expirable orders and OCO orders that are not featured on some exchanges.
Traders can also check their portfolio with our pro and totally free portfolio manager.
We have military-grade security and encrypted connection to the exchanges, so Your trades are delivered by a secure connection to exchanges.
We do not have direct access to your funds and your funds are in the exchanges. We only execute trades through your API.